About me

So who am I, the one behind this project and this blog?

MeMy name is Maria Gibson and I”ll be 25 in the 14th of January. If you have noticed any spelling and grammatical errors or other irregularities it’s because I’m from Sweden. ;D That’s also why I’m struggeling with English terms in the world of textile handicraft.
   I have a lot of hobbies and passions – but most of them are about creating – images, clothes, jewellry etc. etc. etc. I have no specific education in any of my hobbies and everything I do and know I have experimented my way to, hehe ^^;

Please check out the links to my galleries at deviantART in the roll to learn a little more about me and what I create! ;D

19 Responses to “About me”

  1. Lucy Says:

    Hi! I just stumbled on your blog (from Duchess of Devonshire)- It’s great! I’m adding you to my blogroll. Please come and check mine out t:


    It’s a blog about 18th century history, fiction, Josephine and lots of other fun and interesting stuff. Please come follow- we can probably link eachother -Love your stuff!


  2. Mrs Woffington Says:

    Hi Maria – thanks for dropping by on my blog; I’ve added you to my blog list 🙂

  3. Ingrid Mida Says:

    Hi Maria,
    I saw your nomination on Lucy’s blog. I got the same award and thought I’d check out your blog. I too am in love with 18th century fashion and that is what I mostly write about on my blog Fashion is my Muse.
    I love what I see here and will be back to visit often.

  4. Kirsi Says:

    Hej Maria

    Found your blog when searching for a stomacher pattern. Good luck with your project. I have finished a corset in the past 5 years. (redone it like 3 times) now I am very happy with it though. I found some old hand-woven linen sheets for it. I used plastic boning so it can be washed. Do’no when I’ll squeeze in any time to finish a dress, It is a dream still to come through. I have made some garments in scale 1;2 for practice though.
    I saw you are on the hunt for silk floss. An old friend of mine has a shop in Goteborg and she sells the real stuff, import from Australia.

    Butiken heter canvas shop
    Sveagatan 11
    413 14 GÖTEBORG

    Tel: 031-775 95 25
    Lycka till

    Your stomacher pattern looks awesome : )

  5. Kyle Davis Says:

    Hello Maria

    I saw you were eyeing a walking stick, but concerned about the price. As a cheap make-do until you can afford the real thing this has worked for me here in the States. If you can find an inexpensive pool cue, strip the current finish. Then either finish it with lacquer, or a high-gloss spray paint (not as durable, but it works) put a brass tip on the narow end. Shape the handle end to affix a replacement gear shift knob. Some woodworking stores have cane knobs as well.

    Please let me know (if you want to) if any of this needs to be clarified. Or if I can be of any halp otherwise.

    Hope this helps, you do beautiful work.

    Kyle Davis

  6. Julie Says:

    Hi –

    I love the jewelry you have made and was wondering if you ever sell it? I have a little boutique and would like to try carring a couple of your pieces.

    Duchess of Devonshire Boutique

  7. Angela Says:

    Hi! I have been following your blog for about 6 months. I love your creativity and your eagerness to learn and play. I am a big fan of the 18th century! I am in the process of relearning 18th century clothing and trying to build a wardrobe, so many of your ideas area great – thanks for sharing – and your enthusiasm is wonderfully infections. Cheers!

  8. Jayme Says:

    I am a big fan of 18th century also. I would love to have dresses made for me and my daughter for portraits. Any suggestions?

  9. Birdy Says:

    i love your site ..is quite fun and intersting…Im obcessed with the 18thc =D

  10. NorseArcher Says:

    hi there,

    I was surfing the net and came across your blog. your gown is just amazing! lovely and very impressive! thank you so much for sharing the pictures – you looked great in it and I liked how you did your hair, too! 

    I can sew a little bit. I made pilgrim costumes for me and my husband a few years ago. our town is celebrating its 250th anniversary next year and one of the events is a costumed ball so I have been surfing to find the right period to wear. I’d so love to be able to sew a period piece for my husband and myself but I certainly don’t know if I could tackle a dress for me and a multi-pieced get-up for him!

    could you tell me if there are some period pieces that are easier to sew than others? I like the look of the pet-en-l’air (robe a la francaise). then again, I’m not slender so maybe that’s not a good choice. but I like the idea of the 18th century pocket as I am a cross-stitcher and could manage something like that.

    do you have any advise for a novice sewer like me?

    thank you so much for your time!

    • Maria Says:


      Thank you for all the kind words!

      I’m affraid I must disappoint you though, this is my very first 18th century outfit ever, and I’m not even finished with it – so I don’t know a whole lot about making them. =S

      What I can tell you though is that you shouldn’t be affraid to make something like a francaise just because you’re not “slender”. 😉 First of all – there’s stays for that (an important part of the outfit, slender or not). =D And second – there are no rules on how slender you must be to wear one. =)

      If you want an as accurate outfit as possible, my best advise is: research and research wide – don’t get snowed in on the robe a la francaise if that’s what you decide to make. Not only does it give you good pointers on how you should go about making your outfit, it also gives you a feeling for the period that might help you figure out the parts you can’t find any info on.

      At least that’s my experience. ;D

      Oh, and then there’s the Historical Sweing Forum: http://www.historicalsewingforum.com/ – you’ll find that the most popular threads are the 18th century ones. =) There’s a LOT of help there, a lot of more experienced seamstresses – and I think you’ll find this is one of the most welcoming and sharing communities out there. =D

      Good luck – and I’d love to see some pictures of the finished project! ;D

  11. Isiswardrobe Says:

    I hope this work now. I’ve been trying several times to follow your blog, as I tend to forget to read the blogs I “only” bookmark…

  12. Miranda Says:

    Jag blev sjukt glad när jag hittade din blogg! Coolt att vi bor i samma land, dessutom.
    Jag har sen i våras tänkt försöka bygga (ja, bygga) en 1700-talsklänning och det som hör till men jag har inte riktigt kommit till skott ännu. Fast jag ska faktiskt till Claes Ohlsons imorgon och köpa ståltråd eller liknande till pocket hoops:en, för jag måste fanimig börja nu.

    Ja. Vet ej riktigt vad poängen med meddelandet var, men hur som helst: kul med din blogg! Jag kommer läsa igenom den från början, och följa den. För att försöka få lite tips, haha, för jag suger på att sy. Jag har aldrig sytt. Jag brukar ta mig vatten över huvudet.

    Japp! Best regards,

  13. Nora Fosberg Azevedo Says:

    we have the same birthday. And, Im Swedish too…just three generations removed. 🙂

    Grattis till en vacker blogg!

  14. Emilio Lovato Says:

    Hello, Iv’e been trying to find a good place for 18th century clothing patterns and Iv’e had no luck, so I was wondering if oyu or anyone knew where I could find some. Thanks.

  15. pinkpuss1234 Says:

    Hi! I love your blog and I would like to nominate you for the One Lovely Blog Award. You can find out more about it here: http://teenagetailoress.wordpress.com/2014/08/14/one-lovely-blog-award/
    Please do follow me on my journey and well done!

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