Like someone pulled a plug

I think I’ve gotten over a big threshold! The stays are fully boned and the “only” thing I have left is the bias tape on the top edges, the eyelets (can’t say I’m looking forward to that though) and the shoulder straps! =D I took some photos last night, but then the camera ran out of battery, so right now I can’t upload them to my computer, hence no photos today. =/ I feel very creative and productive today though, so it might be finished even berfore I get the pics up, hehe ;P Uhm, ok, maybe I’m not that productive, but I sure as hell will get the bias tape all done and maaaaybe start with the eyelets! ;D

2 Responses to “Like someone pulled a plug”

  1. Ingrid Mida Says:

    Can hardly wait to see your photos. Plug in that camera and recharge!!!

  2. Berg Says:

    Yes, we demand pics of your baby!

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